In-network with Ascension St. John, Hillcrest, OSU Medical and Saint Francis (other providers are available in our network).
EOBs for plan members are temporarily unavailable to view online. If you have questions about plan benefits, please contact the CommunityCare customer service team for assistance.

Request Directories

Email us at to request a printed directory or formulary. Be sure to let us know which document(s) you would like to receive. If you are interested in receiving a list of providers within a particular health system, town, or specialty, use our online provider search or call our Customer Service team with a specific request.

Our online searches include our most up-to-date information:

You can also call Customer Service to request a hard copy of these documents at 405-810-2008 . We are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. From October 1 through March 31, Customer Service hours will include weekends and some Holidays.